Notes from Forge

3 Doctrines that undergird the Spirituality of Mission
Missio Dei
Defined as the Mission of God or more fully, the DNA of God is that of a Sent and Sending God. The Hebrew understanding was that God is involved in the world, that he is not aloof and just watching over but intimately involved.
Paticiparto Christi
That if we take the Missio Dei seriously then we are to participate in what God is doing in this world.
Five skills to participate in what Christ is doing:
- Let Jesus be our reference point (don’t let “churchianity” rule).
- Foster a radical spirituality of engagement
- Be inspired by Prevenient grace.
- Follow the Missio Dei into strange places
- Inspire those around you to do the same
The Imago Dei
All humans are reflections of the image of God. Even if we are cracked images there are still fingerprints of God in everybody’s life.
Lots to reflect on, I might post up some other notes or reflections later. Any comments please feel free to debate argue or encourage here…
Labels: discussion, emerging church, missional living
Hey Andy,
Can you nut out pt. 2 some more? Sounds interesting...
"Foster a radical spirituality of engagement"
Why are the titles in "Italian" (Is that what it is) Why not just use english? Or dose that make it some how less
Latin i believe.... and i dunno it just sounds cool i guess... :P
On another tack i wonder if these 3 latin terms are the Emerging church's answer to the 3 Solas of the refermation...
They seek to embody the ethos of the movement... and perhaps answer the questions of the day better than the Solas ? any thoughts?
I think latin was the language of choice when these doctrines were being reflected upon early on...
On your comment, "perhaps answer the questions of the day better than the Solas?"
I'm not sure that these doctrines need to compete with the Reformation Solas...These three doctrines direct us to towards mission, but what do we believe about this mission that we are sent on?
Tell him I said to use english and stop trying to be a wanker by putting things in latin.... I thought the cath o licks where the only ones to still do latin sermons guess the "Emerging church" (still dont know what that is) is going to preach in latin too.... How odd !!!!!
instead of rejecting an off putting "christiany language" which is full of terminology you have to live in to understand, the emerging church has just taken up latin in an attempt to 'spiritualise'. unfortunately not only is this even more confusing to most within and without the church, it seems to be establishing an elite who do know what the wrods mean. essentially we've replaced one christiany language with another.
and yeah it sounds wankery.
true true ash.... although lets remember this was a conference for mainly people in full time ministry with Bible college degrees...
although Frosty did comment on how he was going to use the Latin names because they just sound cooler ;)
Don't be scared by a little latin ashbash :o) They are just titles after all and the explanations are pretty clear. It is certainly not an attempt to create an elite - in fact quite the opposite. They are really helpful theological terms to help describe a reality that the church largely is missing. Imagine a sent God (mission dei - stick with me Ashbash) who doesn't call us to come to him, but instead is pursuing us. Totally different to all other religions.
yeh agreed pete...
actually since then i did a talk at Youth about Missio Dei.. It went down pretty well, of cause i explained the whole deal rather than just throwing out cool latin terms... ;)
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