
music to change the world by

i have read through both of Mike Frost's books (The shaping of things to come and Exiles) and love a lot of what he has had to say... one point of contention has always been about his views on music, especially against those "Jesus is my boyfriend" type songs....

now i am not keen on songs with bad theology, nor am i keen on over sentimental songs (i am thinking back to one more for Jesus.... if you have done 40days of purpose then you know what i mean...)

but i do like songs of tender devotion, songs that do draw us to the intimate nature of God...

but i have been uncomfortable with some of the themes absent from Church songs today.... I first sung "God of Justice" at a Soul Survivor conference a few years back and i thought to myself "here is something missing... songs about social justice! Songs about Mission!"

After that a few more songs popped into the scene like "Missions Flame" by Matt Redman... but nothing prepared me for the song i heard while browsing over at Mars Hill Bible Church...

Bridges are more beautiful than bombs are
Bridges are more beautiful than bombs
Listening is louder than a lecture
Listening is louder than a shout

But love
Love can change the world
Oh do we still believe that
Love can change the world
Oh do we still believe in
Love love
God is love our God is love and
Love can change the world

An open hand is stronger than a fist is
An open hand is stronger than a fist
Wonder is more valuable than Wall Street
Wonder is more valuable than gold

2005 AARONieq Music (Admin. by Mars Hill Bible Church)

I think this is the sort of song that Frosty has been talking about.... that song that wakes us up to mission, that song that wakes us up to social injustice, that song that is critiquing our host empire, that song that recaptures the fact that God is LOVE not "we fall in love with God"

I like it and will keep it in our setlist for a while.... oh did i mention it is hooky as heck as well... you cant get this song out of ya head!! oh yeh... it also rocks!!

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At 1:31 pm, Blogger ashlee.stricklin said...

i love it...the song i mean.. anywhere online i can listen to it?

At 1:54 pm, Blogger andy said...

yeh you can goto http://www.musicatmars.com/ and flick through the songs till it comes up

also im sure you can buy it though iTunes....

where u from BTW Ashlee?

At 10:08 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Andy,

I'm with you on the fact that we need more missions and social justice songs. I wouldn't sing it, but "Onward Christian Soldiers" and other similar hymns from that time, seem to have that masculine theme to them that is lacking in many ways today. It's good to see some of our contemporary song writers giving that a go.

Thanks for dropping by the Ra'ah blog. I've enjoyed reading "notyetfinished." We've added you to our blogroll.


At 10:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh - and your our featured pastor at Ra'ah this week.

Every encouragement.

At 10:09 am, Blogger andy said...

thanks :) feature pastor! yay....


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