
If I say you're Lord

I have been thinking a lot about what it means to say that “Jesus Is Lord” to allow him to be the Ruler, King of our lives both individually and corporately.

The earliest Christians, when they proclaimed “Jesus Is Lord”, were being intentionally counter cultural. In the first century Roman world you were made to say “Caesar is Lord” which meant that you believed Caesar and the Roman Empire was the thing that was going to save the world.

So for those early christians to say “Jesus is Lord” meant that they were also saying “Caesar is NOT Lord”

What is it in our lives that gives us meaning, that gives us purpose? Is it money, career, possessions? For if we truly claim that “Jesus is Lord” then all these things are NOT Lord.

In thinking about this I wrote a song…

Lord of the heavens
Far above us, watching over
Lord of the Earth
Come among us Come to save us

You said your kingdom come
On Earth as it is in heaven
You said your kingdom come
So here is my life, my God and King

And if I say you're Lord
Then all else is but naught
And if I say you're Lord
Then everything around me fades away

This is a cross-post with www.maroubrabaptist.net

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At 7:38 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim Hughes eat your heart out.

At 8:54 am, Blogger andy said...

yeh i am takeing on TSK and Time Hughes.... perhaps i need to move to England...

At 8:48 am, Blogger Alex Abecina said...

Hey Andy,

I think you're spot on about the "Jesus is Lord" statement (basically the gospel). I just wanted to add that in it's original setting "Jesus is Lord" was overtly political and so that meaning should carry over today as well...and of course when we take the political dimension of the gospel more seriously then perhaps we have a more fully orbed foundation from which to address the systemic issues that revolve around those things you mentioned such as our use of money, possessions, career etc.

At 9:34 am, Blogger andy said...

yeh i agree it was totally a political statement...

My question i am wrestling with is what the "God of this age" is... i am starting to realise that it is Consumerism.... so how do we subvert that? still working that one out


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