B-List here I come!
well not content with sitting at the bottom of the blogpile i have now started my quest to become a B-List blogger... Why you ask.... well i dunno why not!
The first part of my plan for blog domination is that i am "Feature Pastor" at Ra'ah (thanks for the link love Wayne)
So look out Tall Skinny Kiwi and Jesus Creed here comes notyetfinished!
Ok i am sooo deluded .....
Labels: announcements, Life, Rants
hey - bring it on. give it your best shot.
you could start by going to your dashboard and allowing non-blogspot users to comment here with their own urls.
Technorati is like Everest. You climb it because it's there.
hhh i see my competition are getting nervous already.... welcome to notyetfinished Andrew....
I think that you just need to click other and fill out your own name and URL, it should work ok...
but seriously an honour to have the tallskinnykiwi grace this humble little blog :)
Also, did TSK just tell you to bring it?
That should hike you up a little
Hey Andy, you started talking about postmedernity/destruction of the meta-narrative and the church, but could you elaborate on it? Like the implications and stuff? Because I'm not sure whether you meant that the church had to adapt to that thought or not - because the two are incompatible. I'm a little confused here.
Or were you saying that the meta-narrative concept still holds in christian theology, but the personal life-changing view needs to be pushed?
What's the implication for the church?
...just blog/sermon the topic more. I'm not exactly understanding what's going on. Fascinating topic though.
Hah! just realised my entire blog post only gets you +1 more authority.
Waste of time. :D
yeah link my band's myspace somewhere on your page? Please?
people are begging me to link i am B-List now ....
Andy Andy Andy... don't forget the little people...
I put you where you are on technorati, I put you there remember that :p
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