church ecosystems

This means that we understand the interconnectedness of relationships, groups, missions and people.
It is funny that we are starting to understand this more and more as the church, but tech company's have been using this organic terminology for years. When Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were recently interviewed at the all things digital conference they both spoke about there products being a part of an "Ecosystem".
My understanding of this term is that if a product that they produce can feed the development of other products it increases the market of their core product. i.e. the iPod drives iPod accessories, Music Sales, Video delivery, Broadband Access... the list goes on. These two smart guys also understand that without the ecosystem then their products will not have as big a market.
If we are to continue to view church as a big amorphous blob of conformity where everybody looks and thinks the same and meets at the same time then we are not an organic church, but a fortress who's walls are not easily bridged by "Not-Yet-Christians". When we move to an organic system the core "product" ie the Gospel of Jesus is able to reach and impact more people in many different ways.
There has been some talk over at signposts about this (where i got my original idea). I am keen to keep exploring this idea of church as an ecosystem.
Labels: church, deep thinking, emerging church
I find the use of words a little strange here .... "organic" .... As someone who lives a quote "organic lifestyle" I have trouble finding a new meaning for the word perhaps a more fluid or changing open church is what you mean but all the same I am intrested to see how you explore this issue more..
Love and light
PS. I guess the dificalty will come is knowing what beliefs you can execpt others to hold while still holding your core unchanging belifs.
I guess if you read heretical blogs, then you're going to come up with heretical theology, right ;)
But seriously, the analogy is good. I actually think the fish one (the really organic one) works better than the ipod one. After all, you can't buy an iTrip without buying an iPod - it just doesn't work. But a big fish can eat a little fish and absorb the nutrients from the seaweed without having to eat the seaweed.
So I guess that relates to how we mediate the Good News for people who don't want to sit down and listen to a three-point sermon.
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