state of religion

This new religion of the "Anzac Spirit" is really a syncretism of Christianity and a kind of ancestral worship. Today i heard much about how these young men, who by all accounts were slaughtered by the bad planning of British authorities, forged the ideals that have shaped us as a nation.... but in what way is that true? These men wernt politicians, or activists or idealists... they were doing the job of a soldier....
i know this is politically incorrect way of thinking but as i said this has become the new "State religion" so how should we as Christians respond to this? do we just roll with it? is it bad? is it an opportunity to contextualize the Gospel?
to tell you the truth i am not sure? I can see the emptiness of a world view that is purely a nationalistic view of wars past.... but also how does it effect the way that we move headlong into the new millennium... the war that was to end all wars has not.... we continue to fight and kill, both through conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan etc... and through unjust foreign polices effecting millions in the third world. Do we need to challenge the view that war will "fix" the worlds problems?
a good article to look at over at signposts
any comments?
Labels: discussion, Life, Rants
What is Anzac Day? I suppose I could search that...
With US and Aus. having such similar western cultures, I always forget that there are some differences I know nothing about, like holidays, slang, etc. But it's always surprising when one comes up and I'm reminded that you guys live thousands of miles away in a different culture!
think of your "veterans day" similar Vibe...
Of course the war will never fix anything!! never has never will...
The "Anzac Spirit" Is not about war its about mateship and friendship its about putting your life on the line for your country and your famaly and your friends .. That at the core of christianaty is it not the life of one for the freedom of many!
Have you read any of Col Springer books
"8OO Horsemen"
"Fighting McKenzie - Anzac Chaplain"
"Discovering Australia's Christian Heritage"
You might find them intresting if you havent read them they show the links between christian men and australian history with the anzacs and light horse in a christian light.
Many are unaware that it was the Australian Light Horsemen who opened the doorway for the liberation of Jerusalem from centuries of Turkish rule - our nation's legacy paid in blood.
Love and light
Ps. did you do any good at the 2up?
so ok i agree that mateship is good... even sacrifice....
but is putting your life on the line for the policies of your country right?
Would you fight in Iraq knowing that our governments lied about the resons for going there in the first place?
i know WW1 and WW2 had some very real threats to freedom... but where do we draw the line?
Is dieing for you country actually "glorious"?
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Perhaps you are touching on my point I dont think many diggers went to war to fight for King or for country per say ... they went because there mates went they went to fight for what they knew to be right.
If these men didnt die fighting for your country and your way of life you may not have had the fredom to hear about christ or the fredom to preach christs word.
Iraq is a waste of time its about Howard trying to earn points with Bush there is no reasion for Australia to be their ... As for WW1 and WW2 it was about protecting our country and our way of life big difrence!
Dieing for your country may not be any more glorious than dieing for your beliefs ... But I feel the in regards to the WW's they died so you can have the freedom to practice your beliefs !!!!! That may not be glorious but its something to be thankful for!!!
I think ANZAC spirituality may be profitably compared to Shinto.
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