
the worst tshirt in the world

ok once again a lazy post.... i remember the one cheesy christian tshirt i had it was "Jam for the Lamb" wow sooo bad.... but here is a post from Dan Kimball who saw and even worse one... interesting discussion about evangelism follows...


questions to ask as a christian...

- Who are non-Christians that right now you pray for by name on a regular basis?

- Who are non-Christians that you have been building friendships with and hanging out with socially? When is the last time you went to dinner, or a movie with a non-Christian?

- Do you even think about those outside the faith, or just your friends who are already Christians?

- How will others know that the guy on the plane is not a normal Christian, if we are spending our time all consumed with Christian-things and Christian community rather than also building relationships with those outside the faith?


grandmaster flash

ok here is a pic of the newest porteous... Grandmaster Flash!

oh crap i have just turned my blog into a "look at my cat" website....


train bloging

well it seems until I get the net at home I am going to be reduced to quickly typing out my thoughts on the train then upload it at a later date.

it's funny the things you see on the train as you speed along with a thousand other people sleepy eyed about to face another day of work. a few observations I have made a week into the new job.

1. the ubiquitous iPod: it seams that cityrail are issuing these along with a weekly ticket because every second person is listening to their own personal soundtrack via those trendy white connections. Its funny I was thinking how for me quite often the music I am listening to defines the way I see life and the world.. imagine how many “alternative realities” are coexisting on my morning train…

2. the art of filling a train: its amazing how the convention of filling seats on the train is so well known but “unpublished”. on sydney trains there are 2 rows, one of 2 seaters and one of 3 seaters, the 2 and 3 seaters both fill up along the window first then when all the windows are taken commuters move onto the aisle seats on the 3 seaters, then when they are all full the middle of the 3 seaters and the aisles of the 2 seaters fill up. one thing I have noticed is that if you sit in the window of the 2 seaters and set up the laptop and look really busy your seat stays free until all other options are taken. thus why train blogging is good

i'll post some more observations at a later date…

from a christian in training (pun intended)


work work work work work

well i have totaly screwed any chance of keeping my reselution but oh well.... i have been pretty busy starting a new job and i dont yet have net at home... so thats my excuse...

couple of things to keep people updated. We have a great church experience yesterday as we visited Bayside Community Church and well... it was pretty good. A growing young church great preaching :)

so we will see how things go (it is also only 5 min from home)

will try to grab some time at lunch this week to put on small updates

cya :)


broken already....

ok so my first thing for the new year was to blog every day... busted....

but i feel i have a good excuse, we have spent the last few days relocating to good ol sydney town. we have moved into a great 3 bedroom house and we have a cat!!

now as for the cats name... unfortunatly Sir Mix-A-Lot missed out but we went with "Grandmaster Flash" or flash for short..

I will post up some pics soon... till then



big butts and pets

before you get married there are many things that need to be discussed, you need to know that down the track there aren't huge major things you disagree about. Obviously for me, a christian, emma's commitment to Christ was important, we needed to talk about many other things as well..

one of them that is most important is.... pets..

we were both keen to have a pet or two and we agreed that from now all our pets would be named after 90's rappers. This list is endless ... Ice Cube, Snoop doggy dog (great name for a cat)... etc. etc.

anyway when we get to sydney we are both keen on a kitten and i am keen on naming it Sir Mix A Lot! yeh baby its the ultimate 90's track "I like big Butts"

anyway after checking the wikipedia for Sir Mix A Lot info i came across the website www.sirmixalot.com your one stop shop, for the mix a lot!

and there it was i couldn't believe my eyes! A free email address @sirmixalot.com

i can now also* be reached at:


*i will probably forget about this in like 2 weeks, so dont like change my email in your address book....


out done

now in my quest to blog everyday in 2006 i will try to keep it original....

but today dave managed to write an article that topped me! the only thoughts i had today were summed up in my comment...

so take a trip over to aropaxnation and join the comments, i would like to see where this rabbit hole takes us.


a gem from the past

i was sitting through our church's christmas eve service, i was a bit out of it, not really "into it". But one thing popped out at me.

We did this carol which had the Gloria chorus in it "Gloria in excelsis deo" (not the great Van Morrison song G.L.O.R.I.A!!)

anyway the line stuck in my head i didnt quite know what it ment, (not being fluent in latin) so i turned to the source of all knowlage, the wiki!

anyway this little gem known as the "Great Doxology" really today is still a fantastic bit of praise to our glorious Lord! I might now work the chorus into a worship set.....

Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to people of good will.
We praise You,
we bless You,
We adore You,
We glorify You,
We give thanks to You for
your great glory,
Lord God, Heavenly King,
God Almighty Father.
Lord Only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ,
Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,
You Who take away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us.
You Who take away the sins of the world,
hear our prayer.
You Who sit at the right hand of the Father,
have mercy on us.
For You alone are holy,
You alone are the Lord,
You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ,
With the Holy Spirit
in the glory of God the Father.


happy new year

well another year has passed and the new year lays ahead of us like an innocent full of possibilities! As 12 came around last night, me and a few friends sat around watching the sydney fireworks on TV (lets face it the canberra ones weren't worth a look)...

Anyway the theme for the nye celebrations was the Heart.. standing for "love & compassion" in a year when we saw australia dig deep for the tsunami victims....

now i don't want to get all down on this idea as i think it is great! but the fact is that we spent another couple of mil$$ on patting ourselves on the back when we haven't made a dent in the needs of this world...

and the worse thing is the clearest voice on compassion in the world is not coming from the church but from secular institutions like sydney city council???

so for me 2 ny resolutions

1. To blog every day (well at least try to)
2. To try and work out how to wake the church to the lost world around us and seek positive change!

i am sure it wont take me long to screw both of them up but its worth a try

peace! and happy new year!