
train bloging

well it seems until I get the net at home I am going to be reduced to quickly typing out my thoughts on the train then upload it at a later date.

it's funny the things you see on the train as you speed along with a thousand other people sleepy eyed about to face another day of work. a few observations I have made a week into the new job.

1. the ubiquitous iPod: it seams that cityrail are issuing these along with a weekly ticket because every second person is listening to their own personal soundtrack via those trendy white connections. Its funny I was thinking how for me quite often the music I am listening to defines the way I see life and the world.. imagine how many “alternative realities” are coexisting on my morning train…

2. the art of filling a train: its amazing how the convention of filling seats on the train is so well known but “unpublished”. on sydney trains there are 2 rows, one of 2 seaters and one of 3 seaters, the 2 and 3 seaters both fill up along the window first then when all the windows are taken commuters move onto the aisle seats on the 3 seaters, then when they are all full the middle of the 3 seaters and the aisles of the 2 seaters fill up. one thing I have noticed is that if you sit in the window of the 2 seaters and set up the laptop and look really busy your seat stays free until all other options are taken. thus why train blogging is good

i'll post some more observations at a later date…

from a christian in training (pun intended)


At 3:17 pm, Blogger Sarah said...

A pun is the lowest form of humor, unless you thought of it yourself. ~Doug Larson


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