
summer passions

on sunday we will be starting a new series in our evening congregation called "summer passions" and no its NOT about sex.... well not all of it....

it is about our passions what drives us, i am giving a whole bunch of people the chance to share about something they are passionate about, i am keen to hear from people about what drives them.

as i was reflecting on this i began to ask myself, what is it that drives me? what is my passion? well this proved harder than i thought, i could think of many things i am passionate about... many different philosophy's and practice's but i still don't feel i am at the core of what drives me.

humanists will tell us our two driving forces are food and sex (see it was going to be in there somewhere) but as a Christian what should drive us?

the easy answer is God/Jesus/The Bible.... but thats not really it.... perhaps for me at the heart of it what drives me is a sense that things can be different.... that where i am right now isn't the end....

when i look at most of the decisions i have made in my life it is "discontent with the now" that seems to drive me. Call me a dreamer, an iconoclast, an agent of change or an exile i think this is the thing that drives me.

This year i want to give this passion over to God and allow him to shape and direct it

what is your passion?

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At 12:05 am, Blogger Sarah said...

And here I was thinking your passion was Bacon!!

I will get back to you on my passion

At 12:28 am, Blogger Unknown said...



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