won't sombody please think of the children

Now i don't have any "news" there is no bun in the oven but i was thinking about this because as we seek to contextualize church for the next generation it is easy to forget the spiritual needs and formation of the kids... the "established" church still has the edge over the small emerging movements because they have a long tradition of sunday school and youth ministries...
i can see in my church right now a whole generation that are getting married and having babies, that still identify with the sunday night congregation and im sure will find it difficult in the next few years dragging kids out at 7-8pm sunday nights....
the usual thinking is to transfer to the morning congregation but what if the culture is different? if the fit isn't right?
i don't know if i have answers but only questions on how an emerging flavor of church (that primarily is targeted at the single 20's) can embrace change and grow up without selling out...
any thoughts?
Labels: discussion, emerging church