
happy snapping

We are new parents again..... this time to a brand new Canon EOS 400D dSLR! so lots of opportunities to snap great pics of stuff we are doing at church... stuff from where we live... and whatever else passes by our lenses...

em is really pumped as photography is her "thing" she now has the creative outlet...

but my promise is that my blog wont turn into Heartichoke's blog...

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the mall blog

well continuing with my tradition of blogging in interesting locations... i am currently in the middle of the last minute consumerfest that is the local westfeild mall the thursday before Christmas... (i am on a husband saving business called everywhere internet)

all arround me money is changing hands people are over spending and not much more... not i know to have a rant about the consumerism of Christmas is soooo like "95" but well it hasnt changed much...

although i did enjoy this piece i read today which calls into question if Christmas has realy EVER been a Christian holiday...


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