

well its strange but i have discovered mornings.... im not going to claim i am a morning person but the last couple of days i have been up at 7 to see Em off (and to make her a steaming hot travel mug of coffee) and that leaves a good 2hrs before i have to be at work (which is 50m away) so i have this long blissfull period to get ready, eat a proper breakfast and do my quiet time... im not saying i like mornings... but they aint that bad



its official

well it is official! i had my last day at my full time job on friday and tomorrow start working officially with Maroubra Baptist! it is both exciting and scary that this is all happening....

one thing that has been clear though as i get to know people at church is that there is a real heart to want to reach the lost... it is great to be in a community that is seeking to bring the message of Jesus to the Last the Lost and the Least....

well this should mean that my blogging will step up in frequency as i will have a bit more time, also i have decided to put out my blog on my business card... so if your reading this because your somehow connected to MB then Welcome!

For my regular readers... i hope this wont change too much... i will perhaps have to watch what i say a bit... but this is still the forum for my to dump random and unfinished ideas and hey if Dan Kimball can do it then so can i !


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Ok at the risk of this blog becomming a Vlog here is another BOUTH TV installment feturing my loverly wife.... Kath and Kim styles... (yes funny australian accents contained within for my north american readership)

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Another BOUTH TV installment, probably wont mean much if you dont know the people but i thought i would pop it up anyway.

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we are here!

after a massive storm and getting soaked we finaly moved into the new place and out of our boxes! Lots more to update on soon!

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move day

quick update we will be moving into Maroubra on friday so right now our life is in boxes. will have more time soon to do some updates

cya :)
