
train blogging volume 2

well I suppose I should let people know that I am not actually dead… I have just been so busy and netless at home (a problem soon to be rectified!). so once again I am relegated to typing my thoughts on the train…

I suppose I want to give props to those who do the 9-5 thing every day of their lives. I have realised that I have never actually worked 9-5. Don’t get me wrong I am not some slacker who has never worked, I have just never worked normal hours… can I say that after a month the monotony is really getting to me…. When each day blurs into the next…

I have always thought that those who are involved with church and don’t “serve” in some way are “slackers” but if you have a wife and a family (no there is no news!!) then there isn’t much time left in your week when your trying to forge a living in this good ol’ consumer driven society we live in…

[rant about consumerism edited so you don’t get bored and so I can save for a plasma TV]

a glimmer of hope…

as I think about how I am to live and serve as a christian a glimmer of hope is sparkling on my horizon. The church me and em have been visiting the last few weeks is starting a new evening service and I think this is the real deal! A church in Australia trying to emerge from the evangelical side of things…. I attended a meeting about this service and it was like walking into a Dan Kimbal Blog entry ;)

sooooo hope, yes hope……