
footloose and the emerging church

last night I had the privilege of leading some worship for a young life leaders gathering here in Sydney, it was a great time.. I also got to catch up with some friends from Sydney that have decided to come check out Breathe, as I spoke to them about some of their reasons for leaving their last church the all to common story came through.

“We feel like we are different because we want to be “missional” we feel “different”

I thought back to my feelings in the “institutional” church and I have felt the same.. I have always felt… well I felt like Kevin Bacon in Footlose. (stay with me this is going somewhere)

it just happened that footloose was on TV late last night so I decided to watch it, and it is a good parable of emergence. (not that I think emerging church is all dancing and screwing the pastors daughter) but here we see a town controlled by a church structure that is forcing the “kids” into its mould and the “kids” rebel and run their own dance…

now surly the motivation for emergence is different but the feeling is the same, when you feel the structure your in needs a shake up and you feel like everybody is against that change, now sure that change might be a bit scary, it might seem to be immoral (perhaps having church where lots of non-ers feel safe to attend, but that teen angst that we have all felt has grown up, it is turning into a movement, the dance party is coming.

as more and more people move away from traditional church structures we start to realise that we are not “different” but many like minded people are willing to journey with us. I spoke to another friend just recently who has just started being a part of a missional emerging church and he was like “I can never go back”

Kevin bacon was able to dance his way to change in a small town suffocated by religion I pray that those with a healthy dissatisfaction with the way things are will also “move” into action and seek change or band together with other like minded people.

emergent’s unite!

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At 3:54 pm, Blogger Sarah said...

I think of you as Kevin bacon with an i pod !!!!!! ha ha i feel the need to doctor up a photo now !!! giggles

but good points perhaps its not the church per say its the attuide of the people in charge and that is not always the pastors or the youth leaders its the click leaders and there groupies the believers who feel that the presents of a non believer or even a new believer will somehow dirty there "sin free" life... they are happy to put on a fake little mask and do the "right things at the right time" just to put on a show .... when is a preacher going to get up and say I sined yesterday i sinned last night and i have sined today .. and you know what we all have"

anyway guess what i have been to church for 2 weeks in a row the last 2 and i may well go tomorrow ... omgosh was that a flying pig !

At 4:35 pm, Blogger Sarah said...

Ps check your gmail ...... giggles


At 6:14 pm, Blogger andy said...

yes true it is the leadership that dictates the culture, when i talk about the "institutional" church i am talking about those structures we build arround the "Church" universal (ie all those that belong to Christ)

I think that humility from the pulpit and the aknowlagement of personal sin is essential for the new emerging leaders we are all messed up sinfull beings in need of a saviour!

anybody who has heard me preach will be familiar with my "confessions" up front.....

At 12:01 pm, Blogger Dave said...

I'll just take away the lesson that the church needs more awesome leg warmers.

Sarah - preachers often confess that they sin, but you know the dismissive inconsequential way they do it like "We all have sinned. Even I sometimes sin. Now, back to those wicked homosexuals!"

At 5:23 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And we loved having you lead the worship - thanks for doing that Pands :) Multiple people have commented to me how good it is to have you there doing that!

Talk soon!


At 7:25 am, Blogger Sarah said...

agree dave

once again your wisdom is greater than your hight ...

At 4:49 pm, Blogger Barry said...

Is dave short? Ok JK

Yeah sometimes the 'molds' made by traditions aren't ever right, yet it seems so hard to change. You seem to going the right direction to me - but what do I know anyways.

At 11:01 am, Blogger Dave said...

Sarah wouldn't know, but I'm 6'0". So, taller than some.

At 9:40 am, Blogger Meg said...

Please don't tell me that reading this Dan Kimball book of yours is going to make me want to watch Footloose - coz if it is, i'll post it back to you today!!!!
Seriously though, bring on the missional, emergent movement. It's about time that we (the Church) realised that institutions DON'T attract people, and ipsofacto, don't attract people to Jesus. Relational ministry is the way to go...

Ok, i'll get off my evangelism soap box now, sorry

P.S. Anyone else get a mental image of David Moyes in leg-warmers?!?!?!

At 8:37 pm, Blogger Sarah said...

I didnt say you were short Mr Dave I said you were wise and the fact you are 6 foot has nothin to do with the wisdom you share ..... I Was trying to complment you Monkey .....

At 9:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emergent's unite...?

...Well, where are you based? I'm out Pendle Hill way, past Parramatta.

Matt Stone


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