
another day in flux

perhaps i should explain what i mean by "state of flux" as a good student of physics i know that flux is defined as "A flow or flowing." and i suppose life is like that for me right now.

So why is that so hard for me?? well i was reflecting on this and i think our human nature seems to want us to form into a particular shape... yeh sure at first we are willing to be molded by God and others but after a while we grow happy with the shape we are in..

Jer 18:6 O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter does?" declares the LORD. "Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel.

See sometimes i think we get the idea that the potter has finished molding us when we reach a certin point... that we have made it....

but the clay here is constantly in the potters hand....

so what happens if our pot gets hard and we are not mouldable? as i have found out recently the potter takes us off the wheel breaks the old pot and starts again, that proccess is painfull but worth it to once again be clay in the hands of the potter

i am in a state of flux.... . .


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