
fire... hehe.... fire...

I just had to post this pic emma took on friday night at Youth.... one of our girls did some fire twirling.... check it out!



kingdom politics

This is a cross post from the Vintage Church blog

i was reading this morning Acts 1 and was struck by something the disciples said to Jesus just before he was taken up to heaven. “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” now after all these guys had seen and done you would think that they would have got it! Jesus wasn’t coming to start a new political kingdom, to establish mosaic law and to govern society!

As the state and federal elections grow closer this little incident in Acts 1 begs us to ask this question. Are we still looking for a political Messiah?

Although we have been blessed not to have our faith wrapped up so closely with our politics, as we see in the US, there is still a battle for the hearts and minds of the “believers” vote.

So as we head into this election time let us not think any political party will “establish God’s kingdom” but let us acknowledge that it is though us, though the church being Jesus’ hands and feet here on earth, that we see the Kingdom of God!

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vintage church

i know the posts have been few and far between.... so just to let you all know i am currently working on a little side project... well more of a main project as its a part of my job.

I am experimenting with the concept of a blogged sermon series at church, it will involve me posting podcasts of the sermons as well as addition thoughts from the series.

I will cross post any interesting articals or thoughts, but also if your a non-maroubra notyetfinished reader then feel free to get involved with the talks and discussion on the series blog.


we can be such dills

"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices—mint, dill and cummin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness. Matt:23:23

last night me and em were reading this passage where Jesus is ripping into the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, most of the time we focus on the message that it's what inside that counts... and this is true the passage is saying that the outward appearance is not as important as the inward condition.... but I reckon this can actually turn around and bite us on the bum! ... I will explain....

I was also listening to a podcast featuring NT Wright about Gnosticism (gnosticism is basically the belief that the inward "spirit" is good and the world and our body's are bad) and i couldn't help but think we could take these passages in a gnostic sense....

Its ok if the kids in Africa die of preventable diseases, because my soul is saved...

Its ok if the world is being destroyed so i can buy petrol for $1 a liter, because my soul is saved...

Its ok if the homeless in my city are not cared for, because my soul is saved...

Jesus in V23 says that the Pharisees give a 10% of there spices but neglect justice, mercy and faithfulness. Perhaps we need to realise that if our inward life is right then our external action will be changed.... this is opposite to the gnostic thought...

I am not getting on the soap box to say i am good at this... in fact as this message sunk in deeper as i realised how little my inward conviction effects my outward actions...

what do you think?

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